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Lipson (Xiamen) PVC Pipe Co.,Ltd.
Jimei North Industrial Zone, Tian An Road 168,Xiamen 361021 China
Tel: +86 0592 6683128
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More Information about PVC Pipes

Views: 11     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2015-05-14      Origin: Site

PVC building products have numerous energy and environmental benefits. Since the late 1980s, more than 20 life-cycle evaluations have been completed on PVC building products and many of those products are compared with the similar products made of other materials. PVC products were found to perform favorably in terms of energy efficiency, thermal-insulating value, low contribution to greenhouse gases and product durability, which means using fewer resources.

Lipson Plastics has a large selection of PVC pipe and fittings. PVC pipe is made from polymerized vinyl chloride, a synthetic resin, which has some rubber-like properties when is plasticized or softened with other chemicals. Derived from acetylene and anhydrous hydrochloric acid, our PVC pipes have nominal sizes that are to be used with PVC socket fittings and PVC socket or threaded fittings. All PVC socket fittings are designed for the outside of the pipe, not for the inside. Most of the pipes and a wide variety of
pvc fittings are in white and gray.

All of us need to fit
pvc pipe in our home in order to have a proper flow of water, whether it be at home or outdoor living areas. In order to effectuate our needs, various pipes are available in the market and PVC pipes and fittings are among one of them. These pipes are available in different shapes and sizes depending on the type of connection you require. They are designed in such a way that it will cater all your needs. Reducers are used in these pipes in order to have a proper and effective flow of water. And in order to decrease the wastage of water, caps are used which will slow down the flow of water.

PVC pipes are designed in such a way that it helps in ensuring optimum flow of water. Having a proper landscape will lead to proper water drainage. This results in the water flow without any blockages. This will ultimately reduce any chance of leakages that will ruin your beautiful walls. Thus, your walls will sustain for a longer period of time. These pipes are also anti corrosion. The other advantages of these PVC pipes are:

1.Because the raw materials used in production of PVC pipes are environmental friendly. 2. PVC pipes are very light weighted and can be transported from one place to another very easily. 3. These pipes are very flexible and cannot be broken under heavy pressure. Because of this feature they are commonly used in underground fixing of pipelines. 4.Nowadays, PVC
pipes and fittings are also very commonly used in the sewage system. As these pipes have smooth interior, which reduces the chances of clogging.

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Address: Jimei North Industrial Zone, Tian An Road 168, Xiamen 361021 China
Tel: +86.592.6683128
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