ASIA's Leading Manufacturer Since 1970
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Who We Are
Lipson Plastics, is a recognized leader in thermoplastic extrusions and injections, a professional in producing outstanding plastic building products.

Success Stories

With a highly competent team and Rigorous QC Controls, our brand of products, LIPSON PLASTICS has been recognized to be one of the most reputable, both at home and abroad.

QC Assurance
Make processes more efficient by using timely data instead of gut feel to make effective operating decisions, achieving high quality in product performance.


SLG True Union Valves
True Union Ball Valve
The term true union in SLG True Union Ball Valve (TUBV) means that the carrier or main part of the valve can be removed from the piping system and be either repaired or replaced. TUBV is thus a gold standard in any industrial applications as it is extremely helpful, convenient and inexpensive piece of equipment to use.
True Union Check Valve 
SLG True Union Check Valve (TUCV) are non-returnable valves or one-way valves that allow fluids (liquid or gas) to flow through it in only one direction. The use of premium formula and virgin-grade resin and top-grade PTFE seat seal and EPDM O-ring ensures that SLG Check Valves are Effective, Reliable and Durable.

Employment Ethos

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Employment Ethos_conew2Basic Core Values of the Company since 1970

Being honest to our clients  and  partners has made us  become  one of the most  reliable plastic  products in Asia.
Integrity which means Sticking to the promises we made has been a major reason for the reputation that we enjoy throughout the years as we conduct our business in this way.

Innovation, always keeping pace with times, always knowing what our end-users' needs are, and always inspiring ourselves to reinvigorate our offerings, has made us a true market leader today.

Contact Us

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Address: Jimei North Industrial Zone, Tian An Road 168, Xiamen 361021 China
Tel: +86.592.6683128
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